No such thing as institutional racism, individuals run institutions and it is those individuals who make life changing decisions.

I’ve been informed that
There are some institutions
That one should not tackle
That these should be left
To do there thing and
Not be questioned by the
Average person for fear
Of the consequences and
The drawing of attention
To one’s self and those
Involved, that these institutions
Have the ability to dictate and
Do what ever it is that they
Feel is fit and adequate at
The time they choose to
Be involved.

My response to that is
Bring it on you fuckers
For this is not about winning
It is about the ability to fight
And stand up for what is
Considered right in the face
Of adversity, to question that
Which others are fearful to
Speak out loud about, it is to make
A stance and challenge in
Order that those that follow
Will not have to do so

Those that follow are the
Children, and as such we
The adults should not back
Away from a challenge that
May impact upon their lives
For the sake of self preservation
Make a stand in order to address
The issues that we know are
Not for ignoring or pretending
That this is ok as long as this does
Not affect us or our kin

I make my stand because
I have many children and
I will not back down from
The confrontations that are
Awaiting on the horizon for
An easy life, should I do so then
I condemn my children to a life
Of emotional servitude and lies