If I could speak I would utter words of wisdom
Of how the world needs healing and to see how
Deep the wounds are you need do little more than
Observe the concealing of the broken hearts and
Minds that even the simplest seeking would find
All about us
If I could listen and heal a mind I would seek that
Corner that space to find and sit there and listen
To all who wanted to say that today was that day
That pushed me past the point of caring made me
Fall from that cliff of sharing my soul and at the bottom
Is where you will find broken what this morning was
Whole in it’s desires to serve
If I could see a way past the hurt and pain again I
Would never sleep take off my dark glasses in an
Endeavour to seek all that was and is unwell with
The world you would find me by the road side dead
Eyes ears and mouth open not wanting to miss one
Single sight sound or word as I give my life for the living
Hoping that my mere passing would be enough for
Others to bring thanks and start giving that which is
But being the dreamer that I am I put on my glasses and
Do all that I can to hold back the tears and the screams
And thus I head home knowing all I can do is hold you and
Give that praise that you found me and it was my life that
You chose to save and tomorrow I’ll start another day another
Way to walk and show the world the love that I feel thinking
To myself that while I have you I know that his love and world
Are real xx