Martin Brookes of Oakham like the fallen local council representative that you are you are very selective with that information which you provide to members of the public. Should you want to inform them of something then at least have the gumption to tell the whole story and not just those aspects that portray you in a positive light or in your case hard done by because the boys whon’t let you play any more oh my bad it’s not just the boys is it lets not forget the cook Helen Briggs….. I do understand why your site is closed to disable responses because you are not interested in debate or the truth just your own portrayal of selective information for whatever purpose….
The full exchange follows……
“Richard Bradley Wilks
I’m gonna take one point for discussion here… As a society we have prisons for those that break the law regardless of why any of these individuals are incarcerated why are we giving them playstations tv’s radios…? what we should do is give them nothing other than work and education. No ifs no buts no maybe work and education. One you learn to be a productive member of society and two you get an education so that you do not have any excuse to carry on slack when you are released. This is 2013 and prison educational systems more and more receive less funding. Criminals have more use value to society should they re-offend than if they were to get out get a job and carry on like the majority of the population. Do you actually think that our government are as incompetent as they act. We are a country of qualifications and statistics these are known facts yet they are not acted upon and this is before we have even brought in the race card as to look and see who actually is under or over represented in prisons. A debate on race is and most be a requirement for any progressive society for to turn a blind eye to the issues that face us and only discuss the matter under heated argument and reaction to actions or omissions carried out by ill-informed misguided individuals has only one result that being of hatred for the other…!
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Martin Brookes when they send us to prison we will be bored
Friday at 09:37 via mobile · Like
Richard Bradley Wilks I’m going to tell you something Martin Brookes and your not going to be happy…. you and your kind are the problem with his country… you homosexual bisexual insestual people bitching at each other and then when you fall out like you did in the local council you waste tax payers money taking your shit to court… at the end of the day your moaning because you have been kicked out of the club and all you want is back in and they are not letting you play any more. Your not pointing out what is wrong with this system of things in fact there was a time when you promoted it and ensured it’s continuance. I personally didn’t hear a word from you when you was playing your stupid power games and a sitting member of whatever backwater committee it was. Grow up grow a pair and get on with it had you wanted to stop any of the legal proceedings restricting you you would have had the common sense to put a disclaimer on your site to say nothing of copy-write but you are in fact enjoying what you are doing and the attention you are getting. There is no aspect of what you are doing or going through that is for the betterment of this nation and thus I say you are the epitome of all that is wrong with England and further more if you don’t have anything to contribute to the serious issues and discussions ideals notions that I try to promote here and on my other sites shut the fuck up…!
Yesterday at 02:16 · Like
Martin Brookes Richard Wilks you had my support. But lately you have become very upset. Now youre homophobiic. I still hope all your issues are sorted soon. Now consider this if I replaced your word Homosexuals with the word
blacks you might be upset you might rightly complain to the police. think about it.
22 hours ago via mobile · Like
Richard Bradley Wilks I have the balls to stand up for my beliefs and as such I have not seen anywhere in the bible where it says do not i repeat do not be black…. You and your kind represent one third of the political system in this country a country that was built upon religious belief and doctrine had that been followed then we would not be having this discussion like so many English men you make rules for division and for others to follow while you choose not to do so…. This political system changes to suit those in power legally and by acts and amendments as such you look to look after your own asses and do not represent the people in any form or way go and play your little power games with the local council and if you feel able or ready to take me to court for my religious views then do so because I will stand by that same bible that the judiciary ask you to swear upon and as far as I am aware God has not rewritten it or made amendments …..! King James Version …! And thanks for your support but I must have missed something or blinked…!
21 hours ago · Like