Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world
From gazes from silence from spoken word
And I have to wonder and ask my self why
Could I not be like the others with blind open
Eyes not seeing the hurt or feeling the pain
Not wanting to feel to be just normal again

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world
And I have to ask have I been blessed or am
I cursed for such are the things that the mind
Does bring to one in consideration and anticipation
Of the ways of my fellow beings

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world
And I am overcome with the weight of it all
No longer able to stand no longer tall in my
Capabilities for at such times my sanity does
Abandon me to this life of seclusion without
Listening ear amongst deliberate confusion
Of all that there seems to be here

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world
And would give in fade out disappear from
This world without a trace of my having been
Without knowledge of those things that I have
Seen but even death does avoid me not giving
Me the strength to destroy me and make it like
I never was

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world
And know that I am alone in this place that
One can not call home for it is not where the
Heart is but more like that place were deception
Was started with a view to my destruction
Lies deceit come to full mutation in the guise
Of those meant to help but instead they poke
And make me yep from the injuries to my mind

Sometimes I feel the heaviness of the world
And know that I am not part of this held as I
Am mere alone and captive to this degradation
Built in are notions and means for frustration
For some this is only a game but for me it is
That repetitive same of we hate you