DWP mandatory work activity‏

Below is a copy of the letter/request that I have sent to those organisations whom claim to be acting upon behalf of and with the minority communities within England. My greatest fear and concern is that their affiliation to our government goes way beyond mere economic attachment to the point where they are willing to turn a blind eye to racist legislation directed at those same communities and individuals whom they supposedly represent. A list of those contacted can be found at the end of this document. As and when I receive their replies I will post notification here. Discrimination is lead from those at the top and implemented by those further down the chain. It is fast becoming comfortable enough for these bigots to openly display and voice their racial hatred for others. For this not only to be displayed upon the streets of Britain but voiced by it’s government is merely a glimpse of what is to come.

To whom it may concern.

To whom it may concern:
Having been advised that I was to take part in the governments compulsory work program whereby individuals up and down the country are being forced to work between four and eight weeks at thirty hours per week I thought I would have a look in detail at the work programs ethos and underlying agendas. I was somewhat disturbed upset and distressed to find out that every organisation that had an input into the proposals when they were still a white paper voiced their concern over the discriminatory implications that any such legislation would have upon our communities. The government chose to ignore all raised concerns and implement the proposed actions regardless. In so doing the government has sent a clear message to all minorities within this country that they are willing to implement policies that are inherently racist. As such I have two questions. One are you aware of this discriminatory practice and two what are you doing about it.


Richard Bradley Wilks

Below is a link to the policy concerned and the identification recommendations in relation to the DWP Mandatory Work Program