Is there a way forward for racist Britain.
Is there a way forward for racist Britain.
Britain is not the only racist country in the world in fact for such a small island is really is quite surprising how one act of stupidity by two stupid ill-informed individuals can get world wide publicity and arouse such feelings of anger and hatred not only within Britain itself but world wide. Even in countries where discriminatory practices are accepted and endorsed as part and parcel of not only the culture but of law people would seem to have something to say.
It’s time that the notion concept of racism within this little country had public debate and hearings not to apportion blame but to seek a way forward as a progressive society that seeks to redress and address all those aspects that hold us back as a nation.
For far to long we have allowed ourselves to be led by the nose by politicians that care more for commerce than they do for the people of their nation. War-munging is big business and it really is quite shocking how much this little island of ours is in fact involved in the production supply and education of death dealing implements throughout the world.
The cost of this is discontent of the British people with life, politicians the decline of public services and no clear goal or agenda for the people their children or other generations to come. For far to long we have allowed our government to look about the business of making money and self promotion for them and their kind using their positions of elected power to line their own pockets.
Not only is a political upheaval required to address these issues but our politics need to come back home and be focused upon the British people. We are an island we have no business running around the world telling others how to run their lives for we would be the first to cry out should such a thing be attempted in these lands.
We can start by self examination of not only what brought about the events of two days ago but how to ensure that such things are reduced in the future. It will never be possible to stop all actions of those looking to make a claim to fame but there are so many possibilities of reducing the opportunities and reasons why such marginalised individuals are susceptible to negative influences and persuasions.
There is no easy solutions and there is not a pain free cure for our aliment of complacency but unless we are willing to discuss act and redress the actions and omissions of ourselves communities and government the future will always look bleak.
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