Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Bouncing around inside my head....!

I think that the poems bouncing around in my head are because of the selectiveness of the terms and terminology that I am having to use to address redress and create in relation to the cases that I am compiling against the police the local school headmaster and the chief/chef executive of Rutland County Council. Such individuals like all governmental employees seek to control and restrict individuals with the creation of a pictorial reality with the use of educated manipulated words in an attempt to restrict the social physical and mental worlds of those that they choose to bully. But you know education is a thing that once learned is hard to forget for it is a game that if played can have serious and drastic consequences but the reality of it is that you can only construct that which you know and it has been demonstrated that those that choose to try and construct restrict another do so blinded to the reality of the truth in that they my be trying to bully an individual whom not only knows the game but it better at it than they are. Be mindful of whom or what you provoke for not everyone is fearful of the inappropriate use of governmental power. And don't think that I have forgotten about you MP Alan Duncan but I like to save the cherries on my cakes till last. If a leader be corrupt then all subordinates will act corruptly....!

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