A right royal message….. why are these photo’s banned….. the heart of British hypocrisy and dictatorship………….
When we have newspapers that run every conceived racial stereo typical statement raciest propaganda both political and social a legal system that endorses and perpetuates racism why is it that the an ass and pair of tits cannot be seen in British papers because it’s Royal ;s if those Royals put a stop to political bullshit and Christian hypocrisy then maybe just maybe the country would be in a better state than it is for are not the Royals the head of the state and head of the church bout bloody time they took leadership seriously and considered the plight of their people whom are harassed victimised bullied and assaulted by racists within their homes schools and communities instead of restricting rights and freedoms even more by dictating to the press what should and should not be allowed. The reality is that the only thing you are demonstrating is that money talks and those without it can be abused, I think your message is getting through loud and clear for there seems to be no redress for inequalities suffering harassment and blatant acts of racism.
The fact that I have recently received two convictions for protecting my son from the racist bullying and harassment of both his local school and our community in general is not surprising, the fact that it has gone on for eight years is not surprising, the fact that despite refusal of courts court appointed solicitors barristers police police investigative bodies the local council the local MP choosing not to take a firm stance on any matter of discrimination is not surprising. What is surprising is that I am expected to sit quietly and let it happen that is not nor will it every be the case. You are raciest bigots you are at the heart of all that is wrong with this country that ideology of you think you know better and put rules down for others to follow while you don’t even know them let alone have an intention of following them. Despite all you acts and omissions I am still here, despite ensure that I cannot work I am still here despite ensuring that I have current convictions I am still here. Your cowards, your hypocrites, your spineless bastards that can only pick on children in physicality and then run and hide stating that you are scared and intimidated. You should be for you have demonstrated that you have no morals character or standing when it comes to doing what it right.
The failure of the court appointed legal aid representative to make any attempt or claim of a defences while in full knowledge of the facts along with the CPS’s full endorsement and request for an excessively sever penalty without justification or reasoning in effect insisting that I be banned from half of my own community and the centre of all social activities for a disproportionate amount of time i.e five years is the continuance of not only the discriminatory practices of Rutland and Leicestershire’s police but endorsement of the discriminatory practices knowingly committed by the principal and his supporting staff within Catmose College.
I’m trying to get my head round the facts
- This man stands and shouts till his red in the face and shaking with rage at my son that’s verbal and physical intimidation
- My son is investigated for three months continually having his every move scrutinised and being accused of every stereo typical black male behaviour you could think of and with the passing of each one he is accused of something else
- My son is physically assaulted by a member of the teaching staff and no one actually gives a dam in fact the opposite it’s supported by the police and the courts the local council and the local MP
- I’m the one now in court for harassment and malicious content on this site
My conclusion….. racism is alive and kicking in Oakham it’s not only supported and endorsed by those in political power here but reinforced by the courts especially Loughborough Magistrates Court and it’s severing solicitors Straw & Pearce but also underpinned by the Leicestershire Crown Prosecution Service along with the probation service. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories these are individuals that I have met on a continual basis over the last eight years whom are more than willing to perjure themselves in court in order to appease someone or some group of people whom think that it is right to exclude humiliate and intimidate young black males whom attend Catmose College but even further than that this is a community wide issue when the police think that it is appropriate that having my home property and children assaulted attacked and damaged within Oakham is not an arrestable offence but any accusation against myself results in a court appearance supported with the full ferocity and venom of a wounded animal.
I’m comfortable with the fact that when I attend court people turn red and look the other way.
I’m comfortable with the fact that I as an uneducated individual as is so often portrayed am able to take on the local racist police, mp, council, head master, crown prosecution service and probation service on my own.
I’m comfortable looking people in the eye and knowing that I am not lying but being lied too.
I’m comfortable with knowing the truth and not being harassed intimidated or bullied into rolling over and playing dead.
I know and understand your fear for you are inadequate individuals on every level and form and you should be afraid for your system is failing…..
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