Saturday, 15 March 2014


Misrepresentation.... Any solicitor worth a toss would have picked up on the following facts 1) the statement made against me was not read out in its entirety 2) only three of the six or seven blogs I was questioned about related to the complaint 3) that the police after stating that my site was copywrited then stated that they had been handed the information by the complainant 4) that the police showed particular interest in a young lady that was in a picture of Stuart Williams whom I not only do not know but have no particular interest in finding out who she is 5) that they were only interested in those blogs since my last arrest in relation to my blogging since last April 6) that they attempted to state that I was harassing the complaint by the official capacity of acting as my own legal representative in requesting a discloser of information pursuant to preparing my defence 7) that at no time was the accusations of discrimination by the police Helen Briggs Alan Duncan or Stuart Williams questioned the fact that this is the same firm I dismissed after not presenting a defence at my first trial I suppose is coincidental but she did as instructed and took away the copy of my interview as told. I cannot believe that I am the first person ever as stated to have requested this as no one knew the procedure of how to log it out. Let's hope unlike her boss whom thinks I'm a twat for living in Oakham and taking on the police here she is able to pass on the interview recording and not hang on to it for three months as I have no intention of using that conspiring firm should I be charged. Reflective practice a statement of being

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