The deliberate and malicious withholding of information pertinent to the registering of an offence can also be seen as the perpetuating of that offence. What adds seriousness and incredibility to such acts are that they are being carried out by not only Rutland police but also by solicitors whom make a living advocating for those within the legal aid system when they have no intention of providing unbiased assisted information for their clients. It is thus that having received this letter at the weekend from my dismissed legal representative I’m not surprised that it has taken three months for him to hand over the copy of the interview but to further attempt to obstruct matters by the withholding of a transcript knowing full well that the court only allows authorised transcripts for submission is a clear indicator of the individuals and the firms intention to endorse and fully support the racist activities of Rutland police and officials. The fact that Rutland police to this day some nine months later are still refusing to hand over material in relation to two of my arrest last years is not only disgusting as I have yet to be informed why I was arrested on one occasion but a reflection and continuation of their discriminatory practices and continued harassment of myself and my family. Your not incompetent your officers don’t need the learning cure of those areas that I have outlined in the last several years you are in fact a racist force using justification and explanation as an excuse for the endemic racist nature of your officers from the top to bottom of your organisation you are bigots and a disgrace to the force if in name only as your job is that of a public servant not a self determined quango.
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