Rising to the challenge
I am slowly becoming competent
In challenging governmental and
Educational decisions not to assist
The many young people who are
Continually being let down by the
Educational system within this country
It is a shame that on an individual case
It boils down to the mere point of cash
Many schools now have in place a point
Scale that is based upon getting the young
Person out of the education system before
The school is forced to recognise the need
Of that person and then having to pay for
Any additional support needed. In this respect
Schools now have a limit of days exclusions
Before the young person becomes permanently
Excluded based upon the accumulated number
Of days that they have had. It is apparent that
Many parents are now falling foul of this system.
The other one now is that headmasters within
An educational area are sharing information
In relation to students that they regard as being
Difficult. And those opted out schools are choosing
Not to admit students who have experienced
Difficulties within other areas of the same
County or others near by. The system has changed
And it is now down to the parents to become
Informed of the necessary procedures and
Monitor these prior to their children being
Permanently excluded. I have run courses for
Students excluded from mainstream school
and also worked with those in alternative
educational establishments as well as working
within therapeutic environments to address
social and educational difficulties. I am gradually
becoming more and more critical of what it is
that main stream schools are now doing with
their students who present any form of behavioural
difficulties. The things that schools now base
their decisions on are, family history, previous
difficulties within other schools, including primary
involvement with other governmental agencies
police, social services, youth services etc. The
system is now such that once a child has been
labelled by a school as having difficulties it is only
a matter of time before that student shall be
excluded form the school. Those who are now
holding themselves up as inclusion officers and
the such like are making the lives of many children
both unsuccessful and unproductive within
mainstream schools. What a bloody waste
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