Three earthquakes in a month in the county of Rutland has made the news… it pays to pray ;D now I must pray a little harder that these backward people are wiped clean from the face of the earth for they are the epitome of evil in all it’s forms praise be to Jah
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
How racist and influential are Leicestershire Crown Prosecution Service
How racist and influential are Leicestershire Crown Prosecution Service
Today’s conversations went as follows
- DWP compliance officer…. maybe you should move from Oakham
- Leicestershire solicitors firm…. I don’t want you to hang up thinking that it’s because of Rutland Councils involvement, but I cannot take your case nor suggest anyone that could
- Leicestershire solicitors firm no2…. are you serious the police have made this a criminal charge… sorry I am fully booked and unable to help
- Leicestershire solicitors no3…. did the probation service really take you for court for breach on those grounds…. sorry I’m booked up but if I can think of anyone that can help I’ll get back to you
- Leicestershire probation service…. someone has put you forward for mentoring…. right you don’t have a drug problem, you don’t have a drink problem ahhh sorry you have a case on appeal so I cannot process this recommendation any further
I don’t believe in conspiracy theories for each and every day we make choices that make our worlds and either enhance or restrict the worlds of others
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Friday, 25 April 2014
Court acceptance of Leicestershire Police breaking the law in order to bring about charges by a racist……………….
Court acceptance of Leicestershire Police breaking the law in order to bring about charges by a racist……………….
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April 25, 2014
Court acceptance of Leicestershire Police breaking the law in order to bring about charges by a racist……………….
Something’s bugging me…. In my court appearance on Wednesday I informed the court that I was not comfortable with the notion that Leicestershire police had broken the law in order to bring about my arrest and appearance for malicious content and harassment via this site. The fact that the local school headmaster had printed off material from this site which is copy write protected and presented this to the police whom knowing my site to be copy write protected ignored this fact in order to bring about a prosecution means that the police ignored a crime in order to bring a case to court.
Now the response from the court clerk was that he had never known of anything like this in his twenty five years service and thus he was unsure of my statement to that fact. I pointed out to him that he need merely listen to my interview CD to ascertain the truth of the statement of fact. His response was that would then leave me the option of redress in one a complaint against the police and two a civil complaint against the headmaster for breach of copy write but regardless that made no difference to the current case even though it has been brought about by breaking the law.
That to me is dangerous ground for should I break into someone’s house and steal something take it to the police and tell them I stole it knowing that the person that had it had obtained it illegally would they ignore the fact that I broke into the house in order to prosecute the person I stole it from?
There is something inherently wrong with our legal system when it chooses to ignore breaches of the law and is far more concerned with bringing prosecutions than the ascertaining of the truth. That to me is not a judicial system but rather a system of systematic control of individuals and groups whom are chosen for whatever reason and brought before the courts. Our legal system is changing so fast and precedents are being set that are eroding the rights and freedoms of the British public to the point of non existence.
Racist headmaster at Catmose College
Racist headmaster at Catmose College
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April 25, 2014
Racist headmaster at Catmose College
I’m trying to get my head round the facts
- This man stands and shouts till his red in the face and shaking with rage at my son that’s verbal and physical intimidation
- My son is investigated for three months continually having his every move scrutinised and being accused of every stereo typical black male behaviour you could think of and with the passing of each one he is accused of something else
- My son is physically assaulted by a member of the teaching staff and no one actually gives a dam in fact the opposite it’s supported by the police and the courts the local council and the local MP
- I’m the one now in court for harassment and malicious content on this site
My conclusion….. racism is alive and kicking in Oakham it’s not only supported and endorsed by those in political power here but reinforced by the courts especially Loughborough Magistrates Court and it’s severing solicitors Straw & Pearce but also underpinned by the Leicestershire Crown Prosecution Service along with the probation service. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories these are individuals that I have met on a continual basis over the last eight years whom are more than willing to perjure themselves in court in order to appease someone or some group of people whom think that it is right to exclude humiliate and intimidate young black males whom attend Catmose College but even further than that this is a community wide issue when the police think that it is appropriate that having my home property and children assaulted attacked and damaged within Oakham is not an arrestable offence but any accusation against myself results in a court appearance supported with the full ferocity and venom of a wounded animal.
I’m comfortable with the fact that when I attend court people turn red and look the other way.
I’m comfortable with the fact that I as an uneducated individual as is so often portrayed am able to take on the local racist police, mp, council, head master, crown prosecution service and probation service on my own.
I’m comfortable looking people in the eye and knowing that I am not lying but being lied too.
I’m comfortable with knowing the truth and not being harassed intimidated or bullied into rolling over and playing dead.
I know and understand your fear for you are inadequate individuals on every level and form and you should be afraid for your system is failing…..
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
so that we may continue to converse and grow……
so that we may continue to converse and grow……
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April 22, 2014
To converse…. spent the day chatting with a Sikh and a Muslim. The first thing we agreed on was that your religion to a greater extent is dictated by your place of birth, your culture and your race. Second was that mans use of religion is for purely selfish means and in the majority of cases does not stem for the glorification of his name. The third was that man should not worship any image. The forth was that all men have spirituality as our common denominator and it is this that inclines us to seek religion and thus associate with that which closest fits our own spirituality. From there we informed discussed enlightened one another to the differences of our individual beliefs. People want to change for the betterment of all now all we need do is get rid of the individualism and materialism of those that govern us so that we may continue to converse and grow……
Friday, 18 April 2014
To have known love…..
To have known love…..
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April 18, 2014
Should my death bring peace to your world I would lay down willingly not that I would wish for death but that I have known love and would rest easy knowing that this love too was known by another merely by my demise for nothing is greater than to give that which is every lasting love not of physicality but of mentality and spirit be blessed xxX
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Thursday, 10 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
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April 9, 2014
We live in a system that is designed to be challenged… the non challenging or allowing of that system of challenge to become corrupt is to allow those in control of that system to abuse their public authority and thereby dictate their own authority
Racial harassment part…? sorry lost count
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April 9, 2014
Racial harassment part…? sorry lost count
This is my latest interview with the representatives of the Racist Leicestershire and Rutland Police…. the first one doing most of the speaking is the knobhead that can be heard on another interview at my home that same fool that told me I have no jurisdiction over my son the one at the end of the interview is the dam blasted fool that investigated and stated that his officers acted appropriately when five drunks tried to assault me and his officers came to make sure none of them where hurt and asked if they wanted to press charges… no wonder the country is so fucked up with fools like these given authority…!
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