Friday, 29 November 2013

what conspiracy ;s

what conspiracy ;s

How convenient that the DWP all of a sudden have lost all my email communications and don’t know what I am talking about when I point out the fact that they have broken my jobseekers agreement… have you jokers been talking to Duncan Smith or Helen Briggs or maybe Stewart Williams as they have that same tendency to lie misrepresent the truth and not answer emails when the truth is pointed out to them…! 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

@RutlandPolice you are a bunch of racist bigots who’s every utterance is a lie….!

@RutlandPolice you are a bunch of racist bigots who’s every utterance is a lie….!
Someone accuses me of assault and you take nine months to investigate take me to court and a judge tells you your incompetent and throws the case out but you insist on keeping the charge on my CRB for five years….
Three youths beat my son on the street in a racially motivated attack I turn up and you tell me to move on for causing a disturbance by confronting a group of fifteen youths… I insist you arrest the ring leader whom you place in a patrol car and release one hundred yards down the road… the youth then smashes our front door with a hammer you attend are don’t even want to take details….
A man attacks my dog with his dog lead and hit’s him four times on the fourth time I hit him with my dog lead. You arrest me for assault and drag out the case for seven months which you win after presenting a selected clip from a cctv camera. I sack my legal representative and appeal. I win the appeal when I obtain the full cctv footage and show the whole incident as it occurred and the case is dismissed.
You arrest and detain me in a police station that is not authorised for detention questioning or interviewing. You issue a caution despite the fact that I objected and did not plead guilty. You take the case to court without informing me despite having broken the law in my detention and interviewing. You refuse to allow me access to the records of detention (they don’t exist do they) and refuse to provide copies of the interview for they would show your full incompetence and ignoring of racially motivated actions of others.
You arrest and detain me without explanation and present information that was obtained illegally. You refuse to provide copies of the interview for it highlights the discriminatory practices of yourselves, Rutland County Council, Catmose College Foundation and MP Alan Duncan.
Someone assaults my son in school and you refuse to act. I poke the schools headmaster in the chest and you have two vans a car and dog wagon waiting for my by the time I get home.
Four people threaten to beat the shit out of me. Two try and fail. You arrive speak with them and have nothing to say to me you just leave.
Are we getting the same picture here. For my interpretation is that you are a racist police force that will do all in your power to criminalise me including allowing myself and my family members to be assaulted in public and you adamantly refuse to do anything about it. You have now gone further and started conspiring with anyone willing to bring a charge against me in order to ensure that something continually stays upon my enhanced CRB thereby restricting my freedoms and ability to obtain work which reflects both my knowledge skills and abilities. The fact that four legal services combined yours, Rutland Councils, Catmose Federations and MP Alan Duncan’s fail against my self representation precludes to only one fact you are a bunch of racist bigots who’s every utterance is a lie….!

@RutlandPolice run that by me again

@RutlandPolice run that by me again as I don’t think I went to the same idiot school as your officers…. it will be placed on the records of the officers for their entire career but you do not uphold the complaint as it is not valid… that’s a bit like the twits down the @Rutland council saying your complaint is not valid but we will change our policy on how we deal with members of the public… should you dipsticks require me to rewrite or revamp your policies in future your sorry asses need to pay me…!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Calvin Harris - Thinking About You ft. Ayah Marar

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

My thoughts for those that choose to wear a poppy and accept that ignorance …….

My thoughts for those that choose to wear a poppy and accept that ignorance that is perpetuated by those that feel they are destined to rule us and do not see the beginning of their own end for if anything history has shown us that man will self sacrifice rather than be ruled and thus the world remains in turmoil as yet another era comes to it’s end for deception is of it’s own making and can do nothing other than be revealed….
Last brain teaser…. if you cannot see beyond nationalism then what is it that you think you see for in your arrogance do you feel that you chose your nation your colour or your creed let alone to think that you chose the words that you think you know and use so freely to confine that other…! 

Friday, 1 November 2013

Don’t try this at home is you live in a ghetto… does your child smoke weed…?

Don’t try this at home is you live in a ghetto… does your child smoke weed…?

Does your child smoke weed…?
Local woman phones the police to inform
Them that her son is smoking weed ;o
The youth receives a call from the local
Beat officer to inform him of the dangers
Of smoking weed ;s
End of…..
I know peeps in the ghettos that have done
The same thing to then be visited at home by
The police been investigated by the children
And family services and had children placed
On an at risk register while an investigation is
Carried out in some instances having the children
Removed from the family home while they
Carry out their investigations….
Selective policing and the manipulation of a
Situation when certain families seek advice
And assistance…. be mindful of calling the
Devil into your home for dependant upon whom
You are you just might be calling down the his
Full rath unto yourself and your family…
In a community where I do not call on the assistance
Of satan I walked streets at stupid o’clock to find
Those responsible for supplying my previous son
Whom lived with me with weed…. when I done I
Was surprised to realise that these same dealers
Could be seen chatting to the police in daylight like
They got authority to do whatever it is they feel like
I can walk streets here and know where to go and watch
The dealers operating from their cars their yards the local
Parks ect… and yet the police cannot stop them…?
Drugs are allowed within most communities like they are
In prisons for exactly the same reasons the self medication
And control of a populace by itself…. it is only when those
Dealing are blatantly taking the pee that they are dealt with
Or another with more influence complains…. life in Rutland
As normal….!  

Thursday, 31 October 2013

If there be…..

If there be…..

If there be that notion concept of the devil then he has already made known to me his representation in that he is aware of my name and thus I have paid that price that was stated would be paid for my non allegiance and further more he has gone beyond that and shown himself to be that originator of lies for in his vengeance and anger he does seek to take things further in an attempt to de-sway me from that path which I have chosen….

If there be that notion concept of god then he has made known his presence in physicality for surely I should not be here in light of those things that I have seen and done and yet I awoke this morning to once again see the rising of the sun and bear witness to the passing of this day….

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

What am I fighting for….

What am I fighting for….

What am I fighting for….
My youngest is on half term. Already within one week of applying to colleges he’s been invited to interviews. The first question they ask is is he boarding. The schools in Oakham are for the elite (post coding in practice). Rutland is home to some of the oldest and most élite families in England and thus to have been educated here opens many doors before you’ve even started. It is thus that when the police and council and mps state that they do not want my kind here I know fully what it is that they are afraid of, the freedom of choice for my children. It has been so difficult to keep him within the school system something which to my shame I was unable to manage with his older brother. I did not know enough to save and assist his brother no matter how much I tried. It is only with determination self education and a determinism that negates consideration for the self that thus far I have been successful with Isaiah and I say thus far because the struggle is not over and he still has six months to go and each day brings a new challenge or battle for those that are determined that I should not be here and feel confident enough to tell me that to my face. I breathe a little easier knowing that there is a possibility of success not for myself but for my son. But in reality the battle continues ;s 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Don't come to my yard wid your lies I'm here and ready for you @police you people lie so much that all future interactions with you need to be recorded not that it stops you from lying just stops you from misrepresenting the truth jokasses....!

six months and counting…..

six months and counting…..

@RutlandPolice…. As my own legal representative I put in a request for a copy of the charges, interview tapes and custody records in relation to two arrests and illegal detentions six months ago. As yet I have received none of the above despite inquires reminders and complaints ;s the rule of law is broken beyond repair or so it would seem within Rutland. During this same period the police continue to monitor my sites, in an attempt and hope more than likely to sit down once again with the CEO of Rutland County Council, MP Alan Duncan and local school headmaster Williams to have me arrested. When you refuse to allow citizens access to legal redress what is it that you attempting to achieve other than discontent and the taking of law into the hands of the populace. 

Are we alive!

Are we alive!

 I visited Brixton several times last week. A tour of south London taking in Crystal Palace, Walworth Road and Norwood involved the socialisation and education of my youngest two children. I considered that they could spend time with their grandmother and farther, but I was privileged with many more experiences for both the children and myself.

The first that struck me was a stall holder selling sugar cane that Malachi so desperately wanted.

The gospel of Judas!

The gospel of Judas!

Would it not make sense that if there were a god, and s/he or its spirit/essence came to earth that it would know all things and thus allow for all things. The salvation of the soul depends on the acceptance of Jesus according to many. This could not be possible if there were no death or crucifixion. In this sense there would need to be betrayal in order for this to come about.

Some things just take time to get sorted!

Caught up with the boy who stood on Malachi’s face maybe a month or so ago. Just advised him that if he was going to pick on younger kids that Malachi has three older brothers who are all in their twenties and might be interested should it happen again! Don’t like the way Malachi has taken it though. Seems to have made him kind of big headed but I was not comfortable with the idea that someone had done that to him and there was no comeback to it.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

good can come from all things....

I have some of the strangest conversations with the strangest of peeps and I have to stop think about it and check it out.... the two guys that tried to rush me last night their cousin a London boy as he put it having heard my accent come and wanted to chat with me.... I’m a reasonable man an if you approach me in a way I will converse for thus is to learn and thus is to share.... after we done chat and he said he thought that his family was being a bit out of order but is family what can you do he wanted to know if I was gonna kick their asses when I bump into them one at a time.... I told him I don’t carry on like that co’s I’m not a man looking war on the streets.... but what was strange to me was that he said even during the heat of the incident he felt that I had some form of spirituality about me and he wanted to know if I was a Christian ;o I asked him to justify that and he said that he had examined many religions and taken from each what he wanted to but that there was something that the felt about myself and Isaiah that he could relate to and feel but he wasn’t sure what it was.... I’m thinking now is pure drink this man talking right now.... but I felt no animosity from him and he seemed pretty comfortable chatting to me.... I have to wonder sometimes what it is that motivates and drives people.... I mean he tried all the other macho bullshit about you seem like a safe guy and we both from London and that but there was an aspect of sincerity that came from him even within his own confusion.... good can come from all things.... blessings xxxX 

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Confronted by five drunks…..

Confronted by five drunks…..

five drunk people outside my home…. all acting threateningly saying what they were going to do to me… two of them brothers attempted to rush me and ended up on the floor… the police turn up and talk to all five of them then leave… because I was the one that was being assaulted the police left without even knocking on my door to ask what happened… raciest Rutland police this is a clear breach of your official public duty in that you are aware that individuals attempted to assault one person and you have chosen not to act… life  as usual in Oakham…! 

Friday, 25 October 2013

Just in case you want to know who lives next door to you ;o

Just in case you want to know who lives next door to you ;o

British National Party membership and contacts list, reference – WikiLeaks

Now where does that copper live again ;o 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Free to be me….

Free to be me….

Impose those thoughts words and deeds upon yourself before another for it is only thus that you may understand that if we are not actively building one another up we are in fact knocking, holding one another down, it’s time that we were all free to be….! 

why I am comfortable and confident in calling the Rt Hon Alan Duncan Minister of state for International Development a cunt

why I am comfortable and confident in calling the Rt Hon Alan Duncan Minister of state for International Development a cunt

I am going to explain why I am comfortable and confident in calling the Rt Hon Alan Duncan Minister of state for International Development a cunt. After experiencing discrimination form every quarter within the County of Rutland and all governmental departments that I turned to for assistance including but not restricted to the police, council and judiciary I wrote to my local MP for assistance. I had reached the end of my tether I was ready to kill the next person that called me a nigger or assaulted my son whom lived with me at the time and was being continually assaulted on both the streets of Oakham and within the Local school, then the Vale of Catmose College. I informed Alan Duncan that enough was enough and that I was going to fight back no matter what the cost and that someone was going to get killed because I wasn’t taking any more. I’m still some three years later awaiting his response. It is thus that I say he is a cunt and his actions are cuntish not only to me and mine but to all British peoples. He was and continues to be willing for anyone to die within his constituent rather than deal with the racist bullying behaviour of Rutland County Council it’s schools and it’s police force. Now what you need to think about is this, every member of the British public is expendable to its government. Things that happen in society do not happen by chance. Our system is already aware of those that are being driven to the point of explosion or implosion knowingly and we are served by a government that is willingly and actively promoting this in practice. Our government know the cost of their acts and omissions upon all members of this society and not only allow such things but initiate them. And it is thus that I say you are a cunt Alan Duncan and your actions are cuntish. I’ll await my ? actually I have lost count of how many times I have been arrested and dragged through the courts but this year it has only been twice ;s illegally arrested and detained with no explanation and no response to my complaints but I’ll await those cunts..tables that seem so eager to do your bidding….. The thing about modernity is that there is such a long and concise paper trail leading right back to your door that to deny such things is impossible hence in all my arrests and intimidations the only thing I have not been accused of is lying ummmmm…. where as you are a fucking liar aren’t you….!
Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you you stinking bitch chief executive Helen Briggs of Rutland County Council the explanation of my hatred for you and for Stuart Williams principal of Catmose College are to follow…..!

What education?

What education?

Challenging the school system works
After months of constant meetings and
Attempted negotiations I lost my temper
On Friday when I was asked to collect my
Boy who was confronting a teacher over a
Bag of sweets! I understand that teachers
Have a need to maintain discipline and that
They need to be respected within their own
Environments, but why would a trained
Inclusion officer want to confront a twelve
Year old boy over a bag of sweets that he had
No right to have taken in the first place. The
Sweets had been confiscated the day before
And as such my boy had accepted his punishment
As it was just. What was not just was for
Another teacher to then take these sweets and
Hold on to them under the guise that they
Were not healthy. If you look for a confrontation
With a child surely that is the way to go. Me
Being the helpful person that I am totally
Agreed with the teacher while my son was
Present, but when he was not I let loose and
Went into one and confronted the teacher about
His training and recognising when you need
To give young people the opportunity to back
Down. Twelve is an awkward age where boys
Want to be men and test out there skills and
Abilities where ever they can. So to confront a
Young man is to not be aware of either child
Development of psychological make up which
You would think that an inclusion officer would
Be only too well aware off. The conclusion, yet
Another two days missing out of school, no formal
Exclusion on his record and me even more concerned
Over my young man’s treatment within an education
System that has chosen inclusion over individual
Learning and assistance. I teach kids with behavioural
Difficulties and seeing the way that many students are
Treated within mainstream schooling, I would really
Like to implement a nation wide campaign against
Bullying, not by pupils but by teachers. Teacher seem
To take for granted the power of the written and spoken
Word. How a teacher deals with a student is also reflected
In how that student is viewed and treated by their peers and
All others within the school system. It only needs one
Un-thinking individual to start the process and any child
Can become a self for filling prophesy, “I think you are bad,
I will treat you as if you are bad, I am being treated bad,
I might as well act like I am bad, you are bad and thus we
Treat you bad”. Some so called teachers and others within
The schooling system really need to check themselves to see what
Their own motivation is and consider what it is that they are doing
To the children. I do not for one minute believe that society has got
To the point where it is producing children who are increasingly being excluded from school because they are bad. I think that our children have developed faster than our educational system which is still stuck in it’s Victorian mentality and that the whole system needs a bloody good overhaul to not only meet the changing needs of advancing young people but also to reconsider the requirements of students in an every changing world. Compulsory use of IT would be a bloody good start for the  teachers and then maybe we could look at the students.